Message Of The Week  

Why JC Racing Team ?

Proclaiming The Gospel Of Jesus Christ!

JC Racing Team is a Christian Race Team that races the car called the Christmobile. We are a very well respected race team that knows how to get wins. But that’s not all we are about.  I’m the owner who started this team and I’m a minister.  I use this car for the Lord. 

Back when I was much younger, I got caught on fire with gas and had 2nd & 3rd degree burns.  I still have some of the scars today to prove it.  I think how terrible it is for people to go through such things.  Part of the reason I started JC Racing Team was to be able to have an opportunity to talk to kids and explain to them the dangers of gasoline.  People should never use gasoline to start a fire no matter how wet the wood is.  What people don’t realize is that the fumes are what ignite. You should always take the gas can out of the back of your car or truck to fill it. It has something to do with static electricity that sparks and ignites the fumes. 

I also was concerned about how to get attention for the Lord. Auto racing has become very popular in the past 10 years.  So I took something I knew and used it as a tool to get both messages out to help others.  I use the racing to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ getting attention with the racecar and tell people that Jesus Cares about them.  It also reaches young children with racecar toys and especially teenagers who might not otherwise be in a church and have an opportunity to hear anything about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We have discovered over the years that we not only reach people who don’t know the Lord, but we also seem to be a great encouragement to those who do.  The young Christians are especially excited about the messages on the car. And that is very important that young people are very excited about the Christmobile, with so much out there getting their attention these days this is something that seems to be turning their heads.  When we can reach the youth with the message of salvation and tell them how much God loves them maybe we can sow the seed that will change their lives. 

All the advertising and marketing these days seem to be focused on how to make our life easier and better.  But in all the hype, there doesn’t seem to be much out there to get attention for the Lord.  There is not much media asking the question “Where are you going to spend eternity?”  So being a minister, I wanted to find a way to get attention to bring across what is really most important in all our lives. Salvation!

The presence of the racecar or the street showcar immediately brings the gospel to the forefront. 

Our message is simple.  The hood reads “Jesus Cares” telling people that Jesus cares about them and the spoiler reads, “Jesus is Lord” and on the sides of the car reads “Jesus Saves”.  The Lord said to go out to the highways and byways and compel them to come in.  We have a racecar and a street showcar that is doing just that.  We are considering changing the Jesus Saves to God Bless America and move the Jesus Saves to another location.  Not sure yet just considering if it would help people to understand how much America really needs God’s Blessing on it.  

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  (John 3:16)  316 is our car number and says it all.  If He can sacrifice his Son for us, this is the least we can do for Him.

Companies of all kinds advertise in auto racing and that’s fine but getting corporate America to advertise on a car that is preaching the Gospel has not been easy. Big Bob’s BBQ Sauce is proud to be on the car but they are a very small and new company and don’t have the advertising funds like we need.  But they want to stay with us and add to their sponsorship as they grow.  I thank God for them.

We need sponsors who can and are willing to help us Proclaim The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your Church can be part of something good on the track. Your church can help support our out reach.   Be part Of It!

If you have the funds and want to help in our ministry or if you are interested in advertising your business with a company that is doing God’s work at the same time, your money will be well spent with us.   JC Racing Team, Inc. is looking for sponsors who are Christian owned and want to proclaim Jesus is Lord and help this team to witness to the world. Your advertising dollars are tax deductible as advertising, see you CPA.  This way you can advertise your company and help do the Lord’s work at the same time. 

  JC would love to have these toy cars made and sell them.  People ask for them all the time however we only have a small quantity of these so we use them as give a ways at the tracks for the fans.  According to the information we have at this time it would cost about 40 thousand dollars to have these made.  The minimum run is ten thousand.  But we can sell them at 10-dollars each retail price.  If you are interested in helping us have these made, the profit could be split with you for your investment.  If you would like to see one of these toy cars for children please just let us know.

Large companies advertise their products or company name this way.  What I have done is given this main advertising space to the Lord.  However any company that becomes the secondary sponsor will receive just as much advertising as the primary.  Also as the secondary sponsor you know you are helping to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world and so does God. 

If your company would like to advertise and be associated with auto racing this could be your opportunity to not only advertise your company but witness to the world about the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you think you would like to know more about this kind of advertising please contact us at 513.616.6551  or  email1.gif (2430 bytes)

Thank you for you time

Take Care and God Bless

Thank You Heavenly Father for Your Amazing Grace.

Gary E. Sturdivant

President, JC Racing Team, Inc.

  More Later


I hope as you read this, God will touch you through his word! Seek and you shall find!

  Ask  God to help you apply his word to your life! God Bless!

We find in the book of John chapter 14 verse 12.

Jesus said: I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do also because I go to the Father.

Verse 13.  Whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the son. 

V    V14. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.

V 15. If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.

V 21 He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and disclose Myself to him.

V 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word, which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me.

Matthew 22 verse 37.


V 38.  This is the great and foremost commandment.

V 39.  The second is like it.  YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.

Matthew chapter 5 verse 16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, glorify your Father, which is in heaven.  

Rev Gary E. Sturdivant


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